Reminder: Be Proud of Yourself

Being proud of yourself is just another way of saying you have a strong sense of self-worth.

People who are proud of themselves tend to have a great passion for life, fell content and grateful, and are excellent at motivating others.

Many women are blessed with this predisposed nature to be nurturing, caring, and encouraging for our loved ones, but in a strange twist of irony, often sabotage their ability to feel proud of their own accomplishment.

Women, in general, tend to be caretakers and focus more on something that is learned from childhood.

Women tend to feel guilty when they are focusing on themselves.

Some think that do not deserve happiness.

Once they realized that they are worthy of feeling good, and they learn how to be kinder to themselves, they notice that they are even better spouses and mothers because they have filled their one "love tank" first.

Feeling proud of yourself will only motivate you to move forward with your short term and long term goals, therefore increasing your feeling of contentment.

Otherwise, you deprive yourself of feeling happy and proud, empowered & strong, and this can cause general dissatisfaction about yourself and life in general.

It can be a vicious cycle, one striving to get somewhere but when you are there you do not feel the happiness you expected.

